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2020/3/14 20:14:02发布194次查看

1. system requirement
·the above cpu tape usb interface of p2200 mhz.
·64 mb memory.
·the above space of 10 mb of hard disc.
·operating system: windows2000/xp.
·network connection: lan, adsl, isdn, 33.6 k modem and so on .
2.product performance
·completely support skype network telephone and sip、h. 323、mgcp and so on the agreements.
·complete  can dial and receive to hear network telephone through usb button.
·the speech sound of high quality of skype telephone enjoyment.
·adopt the communication of duplex technology, reply is eliminated , noise restrain .
·usb1.1 specifications, need not  source, need not sound card, need not drive , plug and play.
·lcm show screen、support  many country language to show、support caller id、support telephone; support skype friend list show
·the type design of mobile telephone of newest fashion, feel good
·the interface operation of mobile telephone, let you operating and not again strange.
·the online state of breaking away from computer screen control skype and the volume control of sound.
·caller id and ringing, 16 kinds of character words the tinkle of bells.
· the software telephones such as support skype, voipbuster, voipstunt, voipcheap, sparvoip, voipdiscount, calls, netappel, poivy, freecall, and webcalldirect directly dial
· free download the skype software "skypemate" ( website download or additionally cd compact disk )
·still support x-lite、g-talk、country knows、voxbar、net clear web to follow trip card、iron clear ep、like but ling、in hong kong qiao、south korean、stanaphone、net2phone、hold conversation on software telephone etc.
please insert usb telephone in computer usb interface, you can do skype with it call and receive to hear ,ordinary or that you can select skype with it to connect person list and figure dialed,dozen is ordinary or international long distance call. telephone has to shout into loud bell hint,will not let you leak to take over what important cable.
4. usb network telephone use method
before installing ask to determine will usb words machine have inserted on computer usb interface! 
1 .open cd , install skype software.or download and install ,if have installed skype software, need not install this software again.open operation skype ,and lands your ount(it can be free  registered ,free pc-pc conversation).
computer right angle chart show toland essfully.
computer right angle chart show tonot land or is full land.
2 .insert into usb phone to go to computer usb interface,computer searches hardware voluntarily and installs,lcm shows " voip-usb phone ",right now computer installs the essful usb audio device of audio hardware.
3 .install " usb phone driver "
run "skyu2m", " begin "skyu2m"”
please draw to choose " promise this program use skype " or " promise this program use skype, next time when using will still inquire " click " determine ".
4. dial ordinary telephone to dial rule ( pc to phone ) 
" + " + " national code " +" district number " + " telephone number " then press " dial key" ();
    " + " + " national code " + " the number of mobile telephone " then press " dial key" ();
5. button is used  
1.ing telephone:when skype is eing telephone,telephone can sound bell.  press up " )" can receive to hear telephone. press one time "  ",finish to hold conversation.do not be willing to receive the telephone ,
press "  " key can hang to break.
2.interface: press "" key can ball out and  switch  skype interface.
3.press the function key of "", can look over " do not receive telephone  ".
4.connect person ording to the“”“”about key option " function selects key" , can directly call friend ording to the key of "  ".
5.clear away: when dialing mistake, can press the key of "  "clear away.
6.skypeout call out :if the ount number of skypeout have served as value ( serve as value method see the explanation in skype software ),directly dial the number of mobile telephone or mobile telephone ( must add international district number ),press ""key can be held conversation. press one time "  ",finish to hold conversation.
7.when holding conversation sensitive words do not hope the other party hear , right now press"mute" the quiet sound key "" is very necessary.
8.when under conversation state to  press ""or""  key "", can control  volume size
6. left menu function:
press "" enter left menu,
1.active voip: when installation starts the voip platform program of usb phone, enters "active voip" to choose item, use up and down ""or"" the  key option , after choosing the voip platform program that will use , again press to the determine key "", press "" directly quit.
2.volume setting: volume control ,use up and down""or"" the key control volume size  ,make volume moderate. press "" a level that return menu, press "" directly quit.
3.conference: meeting telephone, use up and down""or ""the key option needs join the connection of meeting telephone person, determine ording to the key "". as must much position connection person at the same time meeting, repeat former one step , will call the connection chosen press the key "" person join meeting telephone. press "" a level that return menu, press "" directly quit.
7. right menu function:
press "" enter right menu 
ing call: press "" enter , look over the telephone of " shout to enter ", use up and down """"the key option , can call press the key "" choose in " shout into telephone ". press "" a level that return menu, press " outgoing call: press "" enter , look over the telephone of " shout ", use up and down""or"" the key option , can call ording to the key "" choose in " shout telephone ". press "" a level that return menu, press "missed call: press "" enter , look over to shout enter " do not receive telephone ", use up and down""""the key option , can call ording to the key "" choose in " shout to enter do not receive telephone ". press "" a level that return menu, press "voice mail: press "" enter , look over " speech sound leave comments ", use up and down""or"" the key option , receive ording to the key "" to hear " speech sound leave comments ". press "" a level that return menu, press "the installation of the tinkle of bells:in left under "", select with mouse right key "" enter "", in "advanced" chooses item, select to test the tinkle of bells in correspondence with the tinkle of bells of voip platform program item, ording to the key "".
9. the purchase of skype a little card
1. purchase in skype website
faq  q1: why did i see the grey icon rather than in the taskbar? what’s wrong with the driver software?
if you see the icon,
1) please check whether thereis any voip program running at the moment. if not so, please run at least one;
2) if you have run skype, please check whether you can see the icon  in the skype windows.



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